Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Airport thoughts

Sometimes when I'm sitting in the crowded melee of an airport, I wonder: am I doing my title justice? Am I really supporting and aiding and rocking my community? Am I doing them proud? I think the stress of travel brings out the nerves.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Respect your pidgeon top.

Silly doodle from today:

Doin' some fancy math

For those of you that know me closely, you know I'm all about two things: integrity and transparency. They're very related, but for this moment, I'm gonna focus on transparency.

In the interest of being transparent, I will say that it is fundraising time again, and in a hardcore way. The truth of the matter is, travel funds are not that large. They don't necessarily cover all travel, and most of the time, I have to do a fancy-dance combining several types of airlines and buses and the helpfulness of friends to get somewhere.

I've finally really figured out what the rest of my title-year looks like in terms of travel, and essentially, by the mid-October my travel fund is gone. That is, if I do all the events I've been asked to do--which I want to because that's the point, yeah? ::grin::

I spent a good chunk of today figuring out what some of my more significant trips would potentially cost. This is coupled with the fact that I also realized that a lot of my more non-northeast travel happens later in my title year, making it so the more expensive trips are post travel funding. Does all this make sense?

Additionally, it was real nice to be able to hand a check for $100 to the Women's Leather History Project within my first month, and I wasn't able to do the same for the month of June. I'd like to change that!

My goal is to raise another $500 by August 1. I think this is do-able, and then I can cut the WLHP another check, and not go broke this year! Whatcha think, y'all?

There are several ways to donate to my travel fund:

1. If you want to get a piece of art out of the deal, you can order a print here: Society6: Katie Diamond Any art prints related to leather or boots or sexuality have a note that 20% of those proceeds go to the WLHP. And the rest will go to my travel fund!

2. You can click here to donate directly to me via PayPal:

3. You can sit in my chair when I bootblack at an event!

Thanks a million, folks. Any questions can be directed to me here or via my email:

Updated Travel Schedule!

For y'all!

July 27 - August 1
International Leather Sir/boy and Community Bootblack
(I'll be your resident boot uncle!)

August 12 - 14
Toronto Leather Pride
(I'm teaching and doing boots!)

August 18 - 20
Great Lakes Leather Alliance
(I'm judging the BB contest!)

September 1 - 4
FETFest in Maryland
(Doing boots!)

September 14 - 19
Dark Odyssey: Summer Camp in Maryland

September 22 - 26
Folsom Street Fair in San Francisco
(Confirmed! Probably doing boots)

October 6 - 10
American Brotherhood Weekend in Chicago
(Tentative - trying to figure out travel!)

October 20 - 23
I'm trying to make some BB mischief in Montreal!

October 29 - 30
Queer Invasion in Connecticut
(I'm the presenter!)

November 4 - 6
Philadelphia Leather Pride

November 11 - 13
Transcending Boundaries
(Not primarily a BB event, but awesome nonetheless!)

November 18 - 20
Trying to figure out how to teach!

November 25
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
The Leathermask Ball
(Lyndon and I will be rockin' out in my hometown!)

---- 2012 ----

January 13 - 15
Mid-Atlantic Leather
(Still confirming!)

January 20 - 22
Phoenix, AZ
Southwest Leatherfest
(Almost confirmed!)

February 10 - 13
Providence, RI
Fetish Flea Market
(I always do boots!)

March 15 - 19
Portland, OR
(Almost confirmed!)

March 29 - April 2
International Ms Leather - Step Aside