Thursday, October 6, 2011

Epic San Francisco Trip

So now that my brain is back inside my head, and not totally addled from my red-eye flight, I figured I'd give an update about Folsom, and my Epic San Francisco Trip.

I arrived on Thursday, September 22, early for Folsom weekend -- often referred to as the High Holidays of Leather, which makes me giggle. I got to spend time with Q (IMsBB'09) and folks, and bop around to various folks homes and evening festivities leading up to Sunday of the fair.

My days were packed packed packed, but Sunday was definitely the most intense! I started out at a Leather Brunch in the Castro, and then made my way to the fair to check in at the Boot Stands and volunteer area. The fair wasn't too painfully packed just yet, but it was getting there... I made my way to Venus' Playground, to check out the scene and chat with folks before my demo. It was definitely more spacious at VP, thanks to the roped off area. I usually throw myself into shared-spaces without a blink, but I'm a tiny person, and VP was a nice, separate area to be able to wander and sit without being consistently bumped. You gotta be all about the bumping awkwardly into strangers for a fair as packed as Folsom.

I'd say my demo went well...! Anyone have any feedback? I had to cut my time in half, so I just rocked an 18 minute "this-is-what-sexy-bootblacking-looks-like" demonstration... I say I think it went well because quite a number of folks wanted to see how they could sit for me next. (insert salacious eyebrow wiggle)

I added a few extra days on my SF trip so I could bootblack at my friend Allie Moon's book launch - Lunatic Fringe! [Three words, people: Lesbian. Werewolf. Erotica. WHABAM!] It was great to support Allie, and do something that I love at the same time. Erotica + book event + bootblacking + whiskey = Happy kd.

I had a few days back in Maine to pause for a hot second and remember what month it is, and now I'm on a bus to Logan Airport in Boston to head to American Brotherhood Weekend and Femme Boot Pride in Chicago...

up up and awaaaaayyy!

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